
Learn how to use Lemonsqueezy with Supersaas

Setting up Lemonsqueezy

  1. Make sure to have a Stripe account before you start. You can create a free account here.
  2. Create a new stripe store/account and get your API keys from the dashboard - https://app.lemonsqueezy.com/settings/api
  3. Head back to your editor and add the following keys to your .env file

Create products

You need to create products in Lemonsqueezy before you can use them in with supersaas.

Lemonsqueezy products

  1. Head over to https://app.lemonsqueezy.com/products and create a new product.
  2. Enter the name of the product, set the price, and add a description.
  3. Set the "Repeat payment every" option to monthly or yearly (or whatever you prefer).
  4. If you want to provide a Yearly plan, then create two variants for the product. One for the yearly plan and one for the monthly plan.

Lemonsqueezy product details


A Lemonsqueezy webhook will be triggered when a payment is made. We will need to set up a webhook in stripe to handle payment subscriptions. So let's create a webhook endpoint in Lemonsqueezy dashboard https://app.lemonsqueezy.com/settings/webhooks.

  1. Head over to https://app.lemonsqueezy.com/settings/webhooks and create a new webhook.
  2. Set the URL to your https://your-domain.com/api/payment/webhook/lemonsqueezy
  3. Choose the below events
    • subscription_created
    • subscription_updated
    • subscription_cancelled
    • subscription_expired
    • subscription_resumed
  4. Enter a webhook secret (32 characters) and click on save.
  5. Click on save.