The Drizzle configuration is defined in drizzle.config.ts
. This is used by Drizzle ORM to connect to the database, run migrations, and generate the database schema.
import type { Config } from "drizzle-kit";
const { TURSO_DB_URL, TURSO_DB_TOKEN } = process.env;
throw new Error(
"Missing 'TURSO_DB_URL' or 'TURSO_DB_TOKEN' environment variables",
export default {
schema: "./server/database/schema.ts",
out: "./server/database/migrations",
driver: "turso",
dialect: "sqlite",
dbCredentials: {
authToken: TURSO_DB_TOKEN,
} satisfies Config;
You can find the full configuration in the Drizzle ORM documentation.
Migrations are used to update the database schema. They are located in server/database/migrations
To create a new migration, run:
pnpm db:migrate
To deploy the database, you can use the pnpm db:deploy
You can utilize Nuxt's server plugins to run the migrations on the development server start:
import { consola } from "consola";
import { migrate } from "drizzle-orm/d1/migrator";
export default defineNitroPlugin(async () => {
if (! return;
nuxtApp.hook("ready", async () => {
await migrate(useDB(), { migrationsFolder: "server/database/migrations" })
.then(() => {
consola.success("Database migrations done");
.catch((err) => {
consola.error("Database migrations failed", err);