
How the navigation works with Expo Router

expo-router is a navigation library from Expo that simplifies navigation in React Native apps. Built on React Navigation, it reduces the complexity of managing navigation states and screen transitions. It works similar to Nuxt.js routing system.

Expo Router uses a declarative approach, employing components to define the app's flow. This method makes it easier for developers to structure their navigation hierarchy.

Make sure to check the official docs for more information and examples about expo-router.

How to add a new tab screen to the app?

Add a new file to the under src/app/(auth)/(tabs)/ folder. A new tab screen is created.

How to add a new drawer screen to the app?

Add a new file to the under src/app/(auth)/ folder. A new drawer screen is created.

How to add a new modal screen to the app?

Add a new file to the under src/app/(auth)/ folder. A new modal screen is created.